Eddie quickly worked his way into da furmily....and dere wuz an doption appwication fwom someone ELSE in da werks, so we, az a furmily, had to decide fast if we wunted him to become a member ob our furmily!
It wuz decided all round dat he's a gud gui, and we wanted him to wibe wiff uz so we put in the appwication and we gotz appwobed to dopt him on Monday!
So, soon as de doption papers are signed Edmund will be Eddie Petrofsky and he will be one of my court courtiers just wike Hunter iz.
Welcome to the furmily Eddie!!
Welcome to Eddie!
I knew it, I jus' knew it!
Yay for Eddie!
You knew all awong Zoe, befur we did.
Whitwey, I'm glad to have another boy to wait on me!
Daddy says Eddie would rather climb ON furniture to get where he's going than to go around it! Today, for instance, he went into a chair, over the end table, onto the footstool, and into the chair he wanted to nap on! He also is having a most wonderful time climbing in the dining room chairs and looking out our front windows. Jim turned the chairs around towards the windows because he made his way to the table more than once. He's gonna be an adventure for sure!!
Yay!!! Welcome to your furever home, Eddie!!
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