Sunday, July 26, 2009

V-E-T Visit....

So yesderday da boss wady and boss man woaded Hunter n mee into dat ting wif four wheelz and tuk uz for a dwibe...I dunt wikez widing in dat ting, so I hidz on de fwoor board by de fwont seet. Den we got to dat V-E-T pwace and I gotz my shots and got wuked all ober from head to tale. De V-E-T sed my heart iz weally gud and I seems to be in gud shape fur an almost 10 year old pupper. De onwy consern iz...I somehow hab wost a widdle ober a pound wifout we're going to up my meal sizes for a bit and see if I continue losing weight...could be I'm getting a widdle more exercise and de da boss wady and and boss man are keeping eberyting cwossed.



Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

You don't like to go fur drives, Cassie? I LOVE to go fur drives! I sit on the seat just like a little person, haha.

Mom says she would like to lose weight wiffout trying. She want's to know your secret, BOL!


Cassie said...

I hab neber wiked going fur dwibes, fwom de bery beginning wen I came out of dat nastee puppee mill. I shake n pant n de hoomanz hab to make mee get in!! I wish I cud enjoy it wike yu....I wud get to go more pwaces wif de hoomans if I did.

Mom says she'd luv to be able to wose weight wifout trying, too!


Murphy said...


At least you didn't have to suffer the indignity me did at me last vet bisit. Me vet when to give me shots and me protested a bit to much so me had to be muzzled. Me don't like shots!!!!
