The developing cairnittude of a former puppymill mommy
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Anxiety Wrap???
My mom bought this thing I iz waring in dis pikture kalled an anxiety rap?? I habn't had a wot of chanze to twy dis ting owt yet, but maybe it will hep me not be zo skared in tunder. We will wet yu know if dis ting wurks!
It seemz to wurk pwetty good, Murphy. Sowwy dat de nasty ole tarp skarez yu mi fwiend. I betz de makez deze anxiety rapz in yur size, too, if yu getz close to doze mean bwowing tarpz often!
cute dog!!! I put a link to your blog on my blog...
Is the thing working?? Me just discovered something that scares me and its tarps blowing in that wind.
It seemz to wurk pwetty good, Murphy. Sowwy dat de nasty ole tarp skarez yu mi fwiend. I betz de makez deze anxiety rapz in yur size, too, if yu getz close to doze mean bwowing tarpz often!
Your fwiend,
That wrap is really cool!
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