Saturday, September 01, 2007


I know it seems wike I am aways tawking bowt thunderstorms, but it seems wike we are aways habbing dose nastee tings here in SE TX! We hab had dem almost ebery day dis week, not awl day, but ebery day! Wast nite we wost ewectricitee wif dat storm, too. Means no A/C, so it waz hot and dark in dis hows. Dat was mizerabel.

De wedder pursons say dis is going to be happening awl weekend, but at weast my hoomans will be home wif me through Monday.

And, Mom bot a new car three weeks ago, a Honda FIT, and I actually LIKE riding in it, for some reason I don't shake and pant riding in it like I always did in the CRV and in Dad's CRV. Who knowz why not?

Well, it'z de end of summer offisiallee dis weekend, I can't beweive it. Eberyone have a safe and happy holiday!


1 comment:

Murphy said...

Hi Cassie

Me and Bugs sure wishes we could give you some of our courage when it comes to them ole thunderstorms. We isn't scared of them at all.

We is glad you like riding in your mommy's new car. Car rides is the best!!! We got to go with Mommy and Daddy last night to pick up the house on wheels from the repair shop. It's big fun to hang our heads out tha winda and smell tha smells.

Your pals

Murphy and Bugs