Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Long Time no Post!

Da momma and cuzzin Millie had wotz ob fun on dat cwuze tingie!   But, de day abter dey gotz back momma started koming down wiff somefing, coffing, hacking, sneezing, and such wike dat!   She had bwonkitis fur 3 weeks and she didn't feel like being my sekretery, she eben werked fwom home fur almost 2 weeks!   And, den she also had a car wreck, to add to eberyfing else!  Now she mite get her car back pweddy soon, and she's finally feeling gud again, so we thot we'd post a couple ob piktures fwom dat cwuise!


Kinley Westie said...

Hope your momma feels all better! Dat crooze looks pawsome!

Brinley Westie said...

A crooze!! How pawsome!! Hope your Momma feels all better soon!

Anonymous said...

Pawsum pichurs! I hope yur Mommy habbed a gwate time cwoozin' ! Sowwy hur gedded sik, bud gwad hur wuz nod injured when hur car gedded wecked! Gud gwief!