Sunday, November 25, 2007

I haz sumfing kalled a fosser brudder!!

His name is T-Bone, but daddy didn't wike dat name much soz we kallz him Tibo (widdle brudder in Wussian). He's a pwetty widdle wheaton boi wif bwack tipped eers and he wuks wike he haz purfect maskara awound hiz eyez! He iz a 4 yeer old puppy mill boi, just into Col Potter's care. He came to our howz on Wednesday nite. He'z doing gud, he'd neber been on a weash and neber pottie twained and neber krate twained b4 eder. He'z doing gud on all dat, but he'z grrr-snapped at ME at cuple of timez when I've twied to sniff him. Mommie and daddy hab ordered an ex-pen so'z we can get to know each oder wifout actually BEING togedder (dis is one ob Col Potter's suggestions).

Mommie and daddy had been wowwied dat I mite not wiek anudder pup in my howz, but so far I'm ok, I know I'm still de top dawg!!

Here's a couple ob pikturez ob dat Tibo guy!



1 comment:

Murphy said...

Hi Cassie

This is wonderful news!!! Me and Bugs hopes hims gets to stay with you all forever and not just as a foster puppy.

And of course you is still top dog just like me is still tha top dog in me house hold.

Your Pal
