Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cookie Bumstead....

Cookie made my mah-ahm laugh this morning. She thinks this pikture is so cute!! Cookie iz one ob de 8 Bumstead puppies resently born to Blondie wile in dat Col Podder's kare. I let mah-ahm share dis pikture eben dough dis widdle gurl is nowhere az cute as I am!


Monday, September 03, 2007

Manpurse Stroll......

for my best fella Vinny and his brudder Ozzie. Dey bof hab been bery sick doggies, Vinny wif liber failure and Ozzie wif kidney failure, suddenly at de same time. Der hoomanz hab been heartbwoken, but de are duing eberting possible to help deze sweet boiz. Vinny has a majical manpurse on seberal ob de bords he bewongz to on Dogster, so his fwiendz started a manpurse "stroll" for deze boiz, and here is my "manpurse" pikture for my boi!

De boiz r eeting bedder now, so we r hoping dat maybe sum of de tingz de vet purson and der mudder and fadder r twying r helping dem.

Hope eberyone has had a safe and happee Labor Day holiday. I'm going underneef de end table egin, it's stawting to thunder owtside.


Saturday, September 01, 2007


I know it seems wike I am aways tawking bowt thunderstorms, but it seems wike we are aways habbing dose nastee tings here in SE TX! We hab had dem almost ebery day dis week, not awl day, but ebery day! Wast nite we wost ewectricitee wif dat storm, too. Means no A/C, so it waz hot and dark in dis hows. Dat was mizerabel.

De wedder pursons say dis is going to be happening awl weekend, but at weast my hoomans will be home wif me through Monday.

And, Mom bot a new car three weeks ago, a Honda FIT, and I actually LIKE riding in it, for some reason I don't shake and pant riding in it like I always did in the CRV and in Dad's CRV. Who knowz why not?

Well, it'z de end of summer offisiallee dis weekend, I can't beweive it. Eberyone have a safe and happy holiday!
