Saturday, April 25, 2015

Long Time --- Da Hoomanz R Geddin Weady!

Been a weally wong time since da secretary haz ritten enyfing fur me.  

A few weeks ago I didn't feel gud fur a day or two, so da mama insisted dat daddy take me to da dogtor....they found maybe I mite hab a urinawy twact infection and a bit ob arfritis, so I came home wiff antibiotiks and glucosomine supplements.   Wiffin a few days I seemed to be myselb egin.  Whew!  When a gerl getz to be my age and don't feel gud, da mama worries.  

Now da hoomanz r geddin weady to head to sumplace called Ha-Wa-Yee, and mama sayz dat this place is kind ob like "hebben", warm, sunny, bee-uuu-fee-ful water and fwowers n stuff.    Dey will be weabing all ob us at da bet's offise while dey r gone cause der's tu meny ob us to board at her boss's house. 

While we hope da hoomanz hab a gud time in dat pwace, we hope hope dey will miss us, cause we know we will miss dem!


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Da Sekretery Has Fallen Down on the Job AGAIN!

Oh my dawg, itz been months and months since da sekretery haz posted enyfing fur me.

Itz been a long cold winter here in SE TX, but den again, next to our "yankee" naberz we've got liddle to compwain about.

Al ob us are duing pweddy gud, we're keeping da dad buzy walking us and taking care ob us while da momma iz at werk at dat "pet sitting" pwace.   She still comes home smelling like "DOG and CAT" cause ob her "office assistant" Sam da Dobie and Gabriel da Papillion and Angel da Silver Himalayan cat. 

Da pawrentz r now pwanning a twip to Hawaii wiffout US in a little less dan 2 months.   Hummmmppphhh.....they should go somewhere that they can take us dontcha fink??

Well, that's about it fur now....



Thursday, January 01, 2015

Haooy New Year!

Happy New Yeer eberypup and ebery hooman!  We can't weally beweive dat it iz awready 2015, but heer it iz!

We fank all our gwate furriends for da lub and furriendship in 2014, and we hope dat ma sekretary will be able to keep in touch wotz bedder dis yeer.

Y'all be safe, and hab yurselbz a gwate, bwesed 2015!


Cassie and furmily

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Crissymus Eberywun!

We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

We thank our furriends who have stopped by to bisit me dis yeer, we wubz you all!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Close to Chwissymus Time

My goodness, it's alweady almost Crissymus time!  Where, oh where, haz dis yeer gone? 

We wubz all our furriends, and we wish dem da bestest and mewwiest Crissymus eber, and a BERY habbee new yeer, tu!

Cassie-role and furmily

Friday, November 28, 2014

Habby Turkey Day

WOWZERS my sekretawy has WEALLY fallen down on da job!

Turkey Day haz come n gone alweady!

Can yu beweib it?   Da hoomanz had turkey bweast, sweet potato casserole, peas, wolls, pecan pie, wine, and du yu fink we got eben a bite?   NOPE!!  Dat waz a weal twagedy!!  Beweib me, we all begged and begged and begged to no abail!!

Enywayz, da sekretery haz been weally weally buzy at work and eben bwinging work home wiff her.  So, no posts for me here.

Hope eberyone has had a happy Turkey Day and will have the bestest holiday season!!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Dogter Visit

So, da Daddy and me tuk a car wide today....first ob all, I dun't wike widing in da car at all, so I wuzn't bery happy wiff dis turn ob ebentz.

Den, we stop, and we're at da dogter's offise!   Daddy takes me inside and makes me wait in dat waiting woom wiff about a million oder pups/kitties.   Den dey call my name, and I gotz taken into da exam woom!   Der, I gotz felt al ober, gotz, weighed (and who DOES dat to a girl and tells how much she weighs), I got shots and some stuff in my nose!  Dey den eben stuck me and tuk all my blood out to be tested for heart wormies and such. 

And, werst ob all, momma told daddy to have them cut my toenails!! 

Anyway, it seems I am healthy, espeshially for an almost 15 year old cairn girl!  Go me!!
